Technology, both advanced and emerging, is being used in most human endeavours; from earning material wealth to spiritual wealth.Criminal gangs and anti-social elements find it indispensable to their predatory forays. Is it not time that our law enforcement does the same?
Crime detection and prevention is a technology-driven venture. Thus science and technology personnel and facilities are critical elements in successful law enforcement organisations. They complement and work, hand-in-hand, with human-driven investigative techniques.
In the UK, within the Home Office, there is a Centre for Applied Science and Technology. In India, the Bureau of Police Research and Development has a Modernization/Development Division. One of its objectives is the application of science and technology to police work. In fact, there is an annual India Police Science Congress.
In Singapore, under the Ministry of Home Affairs, there is a Police Technology and Planning Division. In addition to that, there is also the Army Defence Science and Technology Agency whose mission is to "harness and exploit science and technology and provide technological and engineering support to meet defence and national security needs."