Investigations are continuing into a break-in and robbery at Millennium Park, Trincity, on Monday – which has now led to some homeowners demanding answers as to how the bandits gained entry to the secured compound.
Following the robbery – a quantity of US currency along with two firearms, a quantity of ammunition; and several brand-name watches were stolen.
The 33-year-old homeowner who lives at Olympia Drive told police he left home around 3 am on April 3 and following his return around 3 pm – he discovered a door on the western side of the property prised open.
Upon checking, he found the house ransacked.
Further checks revealed US $5,000 in cash missing.
Other missing items included one CZ 10 9 mm pistol valued at TT $35,000; one Benelli shotgun valued at TT $35,000; one PCP pellet gun valued at TT $23,000; one Rado wristwatch valued at TT $40,000; one Gucci wristwatch valued at TT $2,000; 25 rounds of 12 gauge cartridges valued at TT $450; and 150 rounds of 9 mm ammunition whose value is yet to be ascertained.
Forensic officials processed the scene and assured that workable prints had been found.